Bergland Township is accepting letters of interest to fill one three-year term on the Planning Commission and one three-year term on the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA).
The Planning Commission, which meets monthly, engages in long-range planning for township parks, other facilities, and infrastructure. It also has certain zoning responsibilities. This is an exciting time to become involved, as the township will soon have a new master plan in place, followed by a revised zoning ordinance later this year.
The ZBA meets infrequently and has a statutory role to consider zoning variances and other appeals.
ZBA applicants shall be registered voters of Bergland Township. Planning Commission applicants shall be registered voters of either Bergland Township or another local unit of government in Michigan.
Interested applicants: Submit a letter of interest to the Township Clerk, PO Box 326, 101 Pine St, Bergland, MI 49910, or e-mail to